Whoa! Hey there friends



It’s been a minute since we’ve put out anything new on our preset pack section. We’d like to formally introduce everyone to our Collection Pack. As we’ve grown over the years, our style has changed. Whether this is the style pack for you, we can’t answer that! But here are some RAWs of ours and simple adjustments to the presets (exposure, or white balance) in case you’re curious about testing them out.

Preset 1

Added some exposure by +0.40 and increased the warmth from 5350 to 6500


For this family photo, we used Preset 1, increased exposure +0.70 and added more tint towards the magenta by +10


Preset 2

Increased exposure +0.70 and left white balance as is


Preset 3

Comparing it to the Winter photo from the same session using Preset 2, Preset 3 is more soft tones. Increased exposure by +0.20 and left white balance as is

Preset 3 used for this mother & daughter shot, just an increase in exposure by +0.30

Preset 4 - Black & White

Increased exposure +0.80, left white balance as is, increased the contrast a bit more to personal preference.

Preset 4 applied to this cute couple cuddling on the bed. Increased the exposure +0.90 and that’s it

This last one is an example of the exact same photo from a workshop, with each preset applied exactly as it is (without any temperature changes or any tweaks) to show the variance of the base look

Collection 1 -

Collection 2 -

Collection 3 -

Collection BW -